When you make the decision to sell your property, it is time to bring all possible marketing strategies to bear. A flyer box is one of the more valuable ones.
The Value of the Flyer Box When Selling
Over the last thirty years, there has been an odd turn in our society. Simply put, people often do not like to talk to strangers unless they have to. The same goes for potential buyers when they look at different properties. If you take this into account, you can market your home in an incredibly simple, but effective manner.
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Many people prefer to do drive bys when house hunting. No, they are not going to shoot you like some gang members. They just want to take in the full impression given by your neighborhood and your home to see if it meets what they are looking for. If you are in a high traffic area, the potential buyers may just stumble upon your property. Regardless, you need to make sure both groups of buyers know that your property is for sale and can get the vitals on it. Flyer boxes are the way to do this.
A flyer box is exactly what it sounds like. It is a box on a sign in front of your homes that contains flyers. Wow, that sounds like a joke by a comedian, but they serve a vital purpose. The flyer box is used for those buyers that want to get the relevant information on your home without talking to you first. They can just walk up the lawn and grab a flyer.
There are a couple steps to take with your flyer box. First, it is usually placed on the large for sale sign that should be in your yard. The sign should be away from the house, but not too close to the road where people can do things to it. The fly box should be prominently displayed on it. It should also have a plexiglass front so they can see there are flyers in it. Most importantly, you must keep the flyer box full of flyers! It sounds like common sense, but you see homes with empty ones all the time.
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At to the flyer, you want to include the vital information for your home. Information should include the price, square footage, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, age of the home and anything unique about the property. You should also include your contact information such as name, phone number and property address. The property address may sound strange, but you want to make sure they can find it again. Finally, the flyer should have a big, quality picture showing your home in its best light.
Given the sophistication of modern real estate marketing, it will probably surprise you to learn how often homes are sold because of the fly box. Make sure you have one for your property.
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